Parent Helpers

Grade parent Coordinator

In addition to class parents, each year has a grade co-ordinator. The role of the grade co-ordinator is to support the class parents in their role and assist in organising social events for the grade. The primary responsibilities of the grade co-ordinator (and class parents) are to:

  • Provide a welcoming environment and be contact person for parents within our school community
  • Support our teachers
  • Support our P & F, including events planned for our whole school community

Each year has a grade coordinator and class parents which help organise many of the events held during the school year. It has also proved to be a very successful means of communicating urgent requests/reminders to the entire grade and school.

Kids Disco Committee

The OLSS School Disco team aim to host a whole school disco twice a year. We are responsible for organising a DJ, parental supervision for the night and to ensure that water is available for the children. We actively promote the disco to the school community. The primary focus is to ensure that the children have a fun and enjoyable night however the disco does also assist on raising finds for the school via the P & F.

Second hand uniform shop

The P & F has established an affordable and sustainable second hand uniform shop with the support and goodwill of parents and carers. We sell donated second hand uniforms at low cost to any member of the school community. We help families new to the school mid-year, year 6 children and others requiring uniforms only for a short time.  Click here to contact the second hand uniform shop.

If you have any second hand uniforms please consider donating them. Shirts and sports shirts sell for $5 and more expensive items such as jackets and girls winter tunics from $10. Funds go towards general P & F fundraising. If you would like to donate your uniforms to the P & F, please hand in to the school office in ready to sell condition.