Are you getting the most out of your child’s school?
Your child’s school is more than just a place where children make friends and learn how to read and write. It’s a social hub for parents that provides a host of opportunities for you to meet new people and build a network of friends that all live locally.
Like-minded people
You have something in common with all the other parents who have children at Our Lady Star of the Sea: you all made a good decision in your choice of school. Now you’re a part of the school community, you have the chance to get a lot out of it, and the best way to do that is to put something into it by getting involved in the school’s activities.
Why be involved?
When you’re a part of your child’s school:
- you have a better relationship with your child
- you become a part of the school community
- you establish a valuable network of friends with the parents of other children
- you have a lot of fun.
Most important of all, your children will have a sense of pride and excitement and get a big boost to their self-esteem when they see you getting involved; they’ll know that you’re interested in what they’re doing; they’ll do better and get more out of the school.
How can I get involved?
There are lots of ways, here are just a few examples.
During school hours
- working in the canteen
- helping in the classroom (reading groups, sharpening pencils)
- coaching school sports teams at gala days
- visiting class to talk about your experiences.
At any time
- helping to organise fundraising events for school, e.g. disco, trivia nights, etc.
- helping to prepare the annual Fair by the Sea and working on a stand
- volunteering to be a Class Parent
- joining the Parents & Friends committee or contributing to one of their sub-committees
- helping out in excursions, discos, swimming and sports carnivals
- donating items for craft and classroom use
- covering books
- collating Coles/Woolworths dockets for fundraising
- helping out in concerts & plays (organising & dressing children, creating & washing costumes).
- attending social events
- organising class get-togethers for parents
- being available to mind other parents’ children during an emergency or a time of need
- assisting with Parish activities like the Trivia Night, working bees, Christmas nativity
- helping with Year Mass, liturgies, the Sacramental programme, or any other activities.
We’re sure you can think of many more, but remember it doesn’t have to:
- take a lot of your time
- cost any money
- be during school hours.
I’m not really sure…
We understand that many people are reluctant to get involved at the school, and for lots of good reasons, like some of these:
- ‘We both work full-time.’
- ‘I’ve got other small children I have to look after.’
- ‘I don’t want to get roped into ongoing responsibilities.’
- ‘I don’t have anything useful to offer.’
- ‘I’m not comfortable in classrooms.’
- ‘Someone else is already doing it.’
- ‘I can’t see any benefit to me or my child in this.’
Everyone has their reasons, but we’re not asking you to devote huge amounts of time – often it’s small things that make a big difference.