Exciting times ahead! We are in the final planning stages of our first extensive capital works program since we opened at our current location in 2001!
The proposed works will see:
- 6 new classrooms
- construction of new toilets
- break-out areas between classrooms
- removal of the demountable buildings
- expansive sealed area for play and school assemblies.
The new building will be constructed on the slopping land adjacent to our current Kindy classrooms, meaning the children will not lose any grass or play areas. It will also see some brick archways removed allowing more natural light, into the paved areas.
We are in the fortunate position of being able to fence off most of the construction site, leaving the rest of the school unencumbered by the construction work.
With children on site safety is paramount. We are working with the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay (CDBB) to develop a management plan for the project.
The plan will address areas such as access, safety for students, changes to parking, temporary relocation of classes and noise management.
We will continue to update parents and carers through our newsletter, and the wider community is encouraged to follow us on Facebook to be kept up to date.
At this stage we are looking at a start date around May next year with a completion time of approximately 12-15 months, weather permitting and all going well with procurement of materials.
If you love what you see and are interested in enrolling your child at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Terrigal, complete an online enquiry form today.